It was a semi-horsey weekend, which was lovely. No time to do much except help doctor Amyra on Friday. "Help" being a euphemism for fooling with Rufus while T doctored. He and Amyra have their system down, and she's really good about it.
I did hop on Rufus for a few minutes bareback Friday and Saturday evenings. He was a bit baffled, and it was easy to tell he'd not been asked to actually do anything much except follow the closest adult before without wearing a saddle, but once he got the idea he was happy enough to mosey wear I pointed him.
Sunday was busy again, but I couldn't turn down the call suggesting a group ride on Sunday afternoon. I had the trailer hooked up and ready to go earlier in the day, but ended up not collecting Sunny when the time got moved up. T couldn't go, so I rode Rufus - and then of course after I got there we ended up waiting 45 minutes to leave. I would have had more than enough time to swing by and collect Sunny. And shhh... don't tell T, but I really prefer riding Sunny if given the option! Grrr!
Speaking of Sunny, I swear he's getting wider by the day, although some of it's winter coat coming in. The pasture at the farm looks extremely bare with only 4 horses in it. With four of the chestnuts absent, the color balance just looks wrong. They're hanging much closer together, too. And getting extremely fuzzy, which is timely. We had our first hard frost the other night. I love fall, but wish it didn't come with shorter days!
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