Back in early October we arrived at the farm to find Amyra with a really nasty gash midway up her barrel.
From this...

Oct. 9, 2010

After stitching...

After a week

After 20 days

Dec. 10th - after 2 months
Not too shabby! I don't think it's even going to leave a mark.
That looks like it is healing nicely. But what a nasty wound. Kudos to your vet.
We just got our first cold snap. Snow, winds, -12 wind chill. Not much accumulation, but winter is definitely back now.
Looks fantastic! Your vet did a nice job sewing that up!
He did a great job - actually I should say they, as it was a team effort. Our usual vet has a new vet working for him. He started and since she hadn't seen how he secures this type of wound with surgical tubing to prevent puckering and provide support against gravitational pull, he walked her through the process and then she finished up. It was really interesting, as we got more of the why's and how's than we might have ordinarily.
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