Saturday, April 26, 2008

Sometimes you have to gamble

Sunny is my eight year old half-Arabian gelding. That's him pictured off to the left as an hours-old foal a few short years back.

I've been wanting to try this whole blogging thing for a while, and am finally getting around to it. I was inspired by FuglyHorseoftheDay and her It's a Really Long Way Down, which I highly recommend checking out, by the way.

Anyway, in the last few years I've been having fun working with the horses at a friend's farm. She refers to me as her horse "handler" -- my term since I'm definitely not knowledgeable enough to call my self a trainer! She breeds on a very small, selective basis (1 or 2 foals a year) I do groundwork with her foals & young stock.

I bought Sunny from her as a two-year-0ld. It had been a long time since I'd owned a horse -- over 10 years. I hadn't even ridden much since scrimping and saving for lessons on school horses in college. (More on that later.)

At any rate, I tend to get sucked in to doing more of what comes easy - groundwork - and less of what I approach with more than slight trepidation: riding. This year I'm setting a couple of goals, and this blog will document the process of (hopefully!) achieving them.

Goals: 1) Ride more.
2) Worry less.

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