Saturday, May 26, 2012

Lesson Day: Buddy, and Sunny with a chance of cows

This past week has been bathroom week with a side of electrical issues and freezer meltdown - unfortunately, literally on that last. We're now the proud owners of a new chest freezer, the kitchen fan is no longer an light-up-my-life hazard, and the bathroom has been gutted, the new window is in, and it's well on it's way to new paint and tile.

All of which is lovely, but combined with work has meant I haven't had much pony time.  A few bareback pasture-go-rounds when I go out to fly spray and that's about it. 

Sunny celebrated his 10th birthday on Thursday with an escape into the cow pasture.  Someone didn't rehook the electric wire at the gate, and both boys just walked right across a low spot.  Thankfully they were fine out with the cows until we got there to retrieve them.

Yesterday was lesson day.  It was in the 60's and just barely rainy - much better than last week's wind and 90's!  I had a good ride for the most part, although Buddy needs his shoes reset.  Not having had time to ride, I'd reviewed the video my mom shot several times through and tried visualizing myself doing things more correctly than I looked to be doing them.  Apparently it worked, at least in part. 

I made some progress on rating him at the canter and on keeping my seat deep. Eric says I'm starting to use my weight better - which must be why I'm starting to feel more secure.  Unfortunately, I'm still tipping forward too much - anyone know if those core exercise work as far as promoting better posture?

 Surprisingly for a Friday, the barn was quiet.  Buddy got a nice long warm bath post-ride, and I learned to braid a tail.  Not so practical for fly season, but he's inside, and has a fan, so...  Actually, I'm not a fan of really long, drag-on-the-ground show tails period.  One that's nice and thick at fetlock-length looks better - but that's just my opinion, which obviously isn't shared by the majority of the show world!

Happy Memorial Day weekend!  Hope everyone's getting lots of quality family time, horse time and riding time!


Kellie said...

Lucky you getting your bathroom re-done. Our main bathroom needs new tile, paint and fixtures. Hoping to get it done before fall rolls around.

I visualize myself riding too - hopefully correctly. Would love to do lessons at some point.

SunnySD said...

We had to do some replumbing and ended up with a big hole, and the old window leaked cold air in the winter so it needed to be replaced.

I'm super lucky to have handy relatives - but it's been a once-daily trip to the hardware store for more bits and pieces thus far. I think it's going to be really nice once it's done, though!