Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Too darn hot!

Sunday, 103'.  Monday, 107'.  Today was a mere 101'.  Yes, it's a dry heat, but still...

The fields are getting pretty crispy.  The weeds continue to be green, but that's about it.  We really need rain - us and a lot of the rest of the continental United States!

Even if it was cool enough to ride, Sunny would be getting a day or so off.  He apparently walked into something he shouldn't have and took several large strips of hide off his back legs. 

No blood at least.  The heat made telling if there was additional warmth anywhere kind of tough, but he does have a small amount of swelling above the fetlock on the inside of his left hind.  He wasn't favoring anything, and didn't mind me picking up either foot or flexing joints.

I'm not certain what he found to tangle with.  Best guess?  It looks as if G was moving panels around up in the lot last night or this morning and either one fell partway over and Sunny decided to walk through it, or he tipped it over and then decided to walk through it.  At least I couldn't find anything else to pick up that looked like a potential leg grabber.  But given Sunny's penchant for sticking his nose places he doesn't belong in search of something edible... who knows.


Kellie said...

Ouch! Goofy horses can manage to get hurt any where at any time. We had a gate incident a few winters ago that really tore up one of our horses, not to mention the gate..

SunnySD said...

They sure can. Sunny is kind of notorious for climbing through fences - he's particularly bad about woven wire, which is great for sheep, but not so wonderful for horses. So far he's been lucky, probably because he doesn't panic when he gets stuck. But I try to make sure the electric stays on - in this case, it didn't help, but at least he was still inside the fence....