I hate to keep writing about the weather
but given the season,
there doesn't seem to be much else to write about!
Friday almost looked pretty - sunny, shiny....
See the cloud bank off there to the west?
but given the season,
there doesn't seem to be much else to write about!
See the cloud bank off there to the west?
And to think I'd be willing to move BACK to Tundra type country right about now.....!
Hard time of year. Snow up to your nose up there, mud up to our knees down here.... But at least we have horses to smooch on right? (Only way I'm staying sane lately!)
I swear this "CRAP" wasn't predicted. Just flurries, they said. And we had a down right blizzard today! I got 2 to 3 foot drifts by the barn again. -7 wind chills. WTH??? It has been the longest winter in my LIFE!
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