Thursday, November 24, 2011

For all the little things...

For naps...
 My pies are baked, the cranberry relish is set, and the eggs are deviled.
The peels are off the potatoes, and the turkey's lounging in the pan.
I even have most of "work" cleaned off the kitchen table.

and dirt...
And I'm thankful for that.
I'm also thankful for what promises to be a beautiful day...
for riding, and just because...
For the friends who'll be joining me later, 

For country roads...
and for family and friends around the globe,
who are safe and sound
- may they stay that way! -
enjoying their own Thanksgivings.

and sunshine...
For the critters,
even the one that woke me up at 3 a.m. 
to inform me that it would be morning soon,
- if my typing is odd, it's because she's draped over my arm supervising this post -
and for all of the things that I forget to say "thank you" for 
each and every day.

sunrises, and sunsets....
To all of you out there,
may your day be as peaceful or as exciting as you choose,
filled with good food, family, and friends on two feet and four.
 And may you always have plenty to say "thank you" for.

For pony ears... and all the other bits, too!
Happy Thanksgiving!

1 comment:

Mikey said...

Happy Thanksgiving and great pics!