Wednesday, January 5, 2011


  1. Ride more: can you believe I've owned the fuzzy orange pumpkin for... 7, that's right, s-e-v-e-n (!!) years and have ridden him less than 100 hours? Actually, that's not accurate - that's just the amount of hours I've remembered to log in with AHA's frequent rider program. But still... I'm happy with my butt on a horse, and since I deserve to be happy, my butt needs to be on a - no, THAT - horse more often.

This will be the year
we get that darn 100 hour pin!

  1. Lessons! Much as I enjoy just popping on and riding wherever and however, there's a sense of accomplishment after an hour of really sweating while someone tells me how I can improve (and therefore, hopefully, sweat less) I really enjoy. Plus, I think I'm actually - gasp - learning something - LOL!

  2. Tack clean-out: sell a saddle or two. I had hoped that when T found a saddle to fit him - and Rufus - better, that maybe we could trade a couple of saddles off. Sadly, that was not to be. So I think I'm going to clean up the old pony saddle and the Arabian pleasure tree Simco - the one I love the look of, but hate to ride in - and see if the local western store will take them on consignment.

Saddle testing...
(Rufus was a very good boy.
We discovered after getting there
we'd forgotten his bridle.)

So there you have it. My top three horse-related resolutions, at least for right now. What are yours?


Sarah said...

I like your resolutions! Especially the "ride more" one. Didn't think to make horse specific resolutions, probably b/c I so rarely get to see mine. So maybe my horsy resolution will be to see my horses more. And also I'd really REALLY like to get Sky halter broke before he gets too big for me...which might be too late, but we'll see.

Tammy Vasa said...

I need to remember to add lessons to my resolutions. Timing is hard. When its nice enough to ride, I hate being in an arena taking lessons. When its too cold to ride, I hate loading & unloading in the cold to go take lessons. Catch 22. Need to make up my mind...

Still no snow here!!