Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Monday, Monday

Except it was Tuesday. I wouldn't have known it, though. I think everyone was tired from the weekend and from the late night on Monday, because everyone was crabby yesterday.

Supper was left-over lasagna, which suddenly was an "I don't like this!" dish for the kids (?!) H had a school orientation meeting last night at 5:30 which had evidently slipped her memory, so after a half hour of rushed preparations (yep, she's a teenager, so hair & clothes MUST be perfect before meeting her peers) she was ready. Unfortunately at that point T reviewed the information and discovered that the meeting is tonight. Sigh.... Much slamming of doors and drama ensued.

I slipped out of the house and headed for the farm. The farrier was due at 6:30 to trim the last four horses, and I wanted to get a ride in if possible. After I finally located them in the back field, got them up, into the lot, and the water running (due to cow sorting, penning, & planned loading, and the strategic location of the loading chute path, the stock trailer has been parked in front of the automatic waterer for the last few days, so we've been bucket watering), I sorted off the four with long feet. After they'd all had a chance to drink, I shooed the rest back out.

That was 6:15. At 7:30 and still no farrier, BO went in to call and find out what was up. "Oops, sorry, I forgot." So, we have a new date for Thursday. By that point I was hot, sweaty, covered in horse hair (might as well use the time spent productively, right?) and dirt, and the rest of the horses, including Sunny, were long gone over the hill and out to graze.

I didn't ride, but I did get some quality time with Star and Pennie. Did a bit of showmanship-type stuff with Star & some groundwork stuff. Man, is she quick. All four enjoyed a good brushing, so it wasn't time wasted, I suppose. Just not quite according to the plan in my head. Life seldom is, I guess.

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