What do you do when the evenings start getting dark too early? Why, play games, of course.
Usually it's Golf (cards), Rummycube or Sequence, but last night we broke out the Rodeopoly.

If you're not a Monopoly fan, you'll probably hate it, but if you like the occasional game, and don't mind learning a bit of Rodeo trivia, it's fun. I actually knew (well, guessed) the first Cowboy Up challenge question, and earned $50 from my neighbor!
Things I've learned thus far:
- What a hoolihan is
- The "official" name of the first barrel in barrel racing
- That M is a shark when it comes to playing this game!
- That I can't do math faster in my head than an 8 year old. Sigh.
ooohhh, Alex, I will take Barrel Racing for $400...What is the "money" barrel?
LOL-I have thought about getting that for Megan and I, unfortunately it isn't much fun playing those games when it is just the two of us. So we gather all the games we have together and play them when it's Meg and I and Chris and his 2 kids. Much more fun!!
Three works pretty well for playing. I think more than four and you might just have to raid another game for more money. My only other complaint is that once you've gone through the trivia-type questions once, anybody at the table with a good memory is going to be collecting $50 every time a question comes their way.
The "money barrel" is the first one, at least according to the game. T said he remembers hearing the announcer call it that before. I was clueless.
My best guess? That the name comes from the fact that the first barrel's the odd direction out in the clover leaf - the only way you turn once. So you'd go to whichever barrel your horse has most problems with first, getting the worst turn out of the way and hopefully improving your overall time. And if you're time's quick at the first barrel, you might be in the money... Does that make sense? I'm sure open to alternative theories! I might just have to go Google it :-)
I could learn a lot since I am not well versed in the western activities and know enough to only get by. At the fair that I will be marshaling the races they have bull riding and that is always fun to watch so maybe I can pick up some useless facts or something.
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