Thursday, February 5, 2009

February comes with presents!

Like this one:

Just a wee small bit toastier
than what we had last month...
The lambs were enjoying the sunshine - the ground was carpeted with small snoozing white bodies, but these two came over to see why I was leaning over the fence at them.
The horses were not napping. And they were neither enthused about having their pictures taken, nor prepared to hold still for a photo session. This in one of a series of treetop pictures I captured in the process of attempting to get Sunny to stand still.
At least the sky held still!

I spread the last of the bale T moved on Saturday out - they went through this one really quickly, but there was a lot of waste. It was full of very stemmy stuff which they picked through but didn't eat. Hopefully that will be the last of those!

Finally, once I had an arm around his neck, Sunny decide he might as well cooperate - you can see a bit of Star breezing past in the background.

Looks like the weather's going to hold fairly well through the weekend, so I'm off to try to track down the farrier again. Wish me luck!

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